WB Class 11 English

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WB Class 11 English

Leela’s Friend
(RK Narayan)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
(Khushwant Singh)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
Jimmy Valentine
(O. Henry)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
Nobel Lecture
(Mother Teresa)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
The Place of Art in Education
(Nandalal Bose)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
(William Wordsworth)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
Meeting at Night
(Robert Browning)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
The Sick Rose
(William Blake)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
(Octavio Paz)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
1. Bengali Meaning
2. MCQ (Marks: 1)
3. SAQ (Marks: 1)
4. LAQ (Marks: 5)
As You Like It1. Bengali Meaning
2. SAQ (Marks: 1)
3. LAQ (Marks: 5)
The Comedy of Errors1. Bengali Meaning
2. SAQ (Marks: 1)
3. LAQ (Marks: 5)
Macbeth1. Bengali Meaning
2. SAQ (Marks: 1)
3. LAQ (Marks: 5)
Othelo1. Bengali Meaning
2. SAQ (Marks: 1)
3. LAQ (Marks: 5)

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Keywords: Leela’s friend MCQ | Karma MCQ | Jimmy Valentine MCQ | Nobel Lecture MCQ | The Place of Art in Education MCQ | WB Class 11 English Suggestion | WB Class 11 English Suggestion

Nobel Lecture Long Question and Answer | Karma Important Broad Questions and Answers | Meeting at Night Important Long Question Answer | Composed upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer | Daybreak Long Question and Answer | Brotherhood Long Question Answer | Jimmy Valentine Long Question Answer

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