1. Write the substance of the poem Brotherhood: Homage to Cladius Ptolemy
Ans: Brotherhood: Homage to Cladius Ptolemy is a remarkable philosophical poem. The poem surprisingly stats with I. By reading the first line, we can see that Paz is speaking in first person by using “I”. He tells us that life is short, and he knows this, and one night, he finds himself looking up at the sky and realizing how long the night is. He sees the stars though, and they bring about a sense of ease and lightheartedness. He notices how the stars “write out” against the night sky. The stars are always in the sky, every single night of his life. He ponders this and starts realizing that he too must be like the stars in the night sky. Just as the stars are ever present in everyone’s lives, Paz wants his work to live on in the hearts of his readers. He wants his work to live forever, even though he will not. He states in the last two lines, “and at this very moment / someone spells me out,” meaning that as he is sitting outside thinking about all this, he takes pride knowing that someone, somewhere is reading a piece of his work as he’s thinking about all this. Truly Paz has shown his thinking power here very remarkably.
2. How does the poem “Brotherhood: Homage to Claudius Ptolemy” justify the poet’s homage to Ptolemy?
Ans: The poet pays homage to Claudius Ptolemy who was a Greek astronomer and geographer whose chief astronomical work “Almagest”, is a mathematical treatise on the apparent motion of stars and planets in a geocentric model which was the model that was followed by the ancient Greeks before the Renaissance. The poem by Octavio Paz aims at searching for rhythmic correspondences in the Universe. In these correspondences the astronomical objects play an important role by fixing the destiny of man. The poem also refers to everything in the Universe ans predestined and bound in the bondage of Brotherhood. This is much like the quest of Ptolemy who tried to establish a rhythmic relationship between the astronomical objects. This justifies the poem as Octavio Paz’s homage to Ptolemy.
3. Explain the significance of the title of the poem “Brotherhood”?
Ans:- The title “Brotherhood” makes the reader think that the poem may be about brothers or nationalism. But the poet has titled the poem ‘Brotherhood’ to express how the universe and the humanity are interconnected. It expresses an idea of relationship between the man and the universe. We are all linked together in this great world. The world would be something different without a single person. Brotherhood is about the search of correspondence in the universe. Though a man’s life is very short but he is a part of the vast universe. So, there is an everlasting bond between man and the universe. This is nothing but an idea of brotherhood. Thus the tittle is appropriate and significant.
4. Give the significance of the line “Unknowing I understand” in the poem Brotherhood?
Ans:- The line ‘Unknowing I understand’ in the poem brotherhood is very significant. The poet feels sad to think that he is in significant in the universe. His life time is very short and he is tiny creature in comparison to the vast universe. His life is nothing but a finite laps of time. The poet realises that his life is predestined and he understands it. He learns that he has a very special place in this huge universe. He also realises that without a single person the world would not be complete place. But, his such understanding cannot be explained by reason.
5. What is the central idea of the poem ‘Brotherhood’?
Ans: Brotherhood is a short poem composed by Octavio Paz. The Poem is not about brothers or nationalism. It is about the search of a man’s position in the universe. The poem exposes the insignificance of a human being in relation to the vast universe. The post stands under the night sky and discovers the vastness of the universe around him. The poet feels that there is an everlasting bond between man and universe. Man is very small in comparison to the universe. He has very little knowledge of the world around him. There is a greater force to which runs all the universe. He is unable to understand that supreme force. He has an ability but he cannot explain it with logic. Poet understands that his life is predestined. The stars in the sky writes the destiny of a man. The poet finds himself very in significant in compare to the universe. But his place is important like all. Every life has a role to play in the universe. So, the universe would be a different place without one of us.
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