Story Writing Important List

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Hello Students, Here you can read varous moral stories. This will help you to prepare for your examination. If you want any story to be available on our blog, feel free to contact us.

All Stories Link:

1. The Hare and The Tortoise StoryClick Here
2. The fox and The GrapesClick Here
3. Foolish Crow and Clever FoxClick Here
4. An Honest Wood-CutterClick Here
5. A Thirst Crow StoryClick Here
6. A Foolish Goat and a Clever FoxClick Here
7. The Shepherd Boy and The WolfClick Here
8. Old Farmer and His four sonsClick Here
9. The Greedy Dog and Its ReflectionClick Here
10. Newton and His pet dog, DiamondClick Here
11. The Fox and The CraneClick Here
12. Lord Buddha and a MotherClick Here
13. The Foolish Donkey and The Salt SellerClick Here
14. The Farmer and The Golden EggsClick Here
15. The Blind and The Lame BeggarsClick Here
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Keywords: How to write story | Story Writing Questions & Answers | Story Writing Examples| Story writing for Madhyamik

Write a story within 100 words. Important Story Writing for Class 8 Story Writing for Class 7 Story Writing for Class 6 Story Writing for Class 5.

Story Writing Important List

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