The Fox and The Crane Story Writing

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Write a story from the outlines given below. Add a suitable title and give a moral.

Hints: crane and fox became friends —- fox invited crane for dinner — gave soup in a flat pan — unable to drink — crane invited fox — gave food in a jug — unable to eat — ran away.

The Fox and The Crane

Once a fox had friendship with a crane. They both lived in a forest. The clever fox oneday made a plan to amuse himself. He invited his friend, the crane to dine in his house. Actually the fox wanted to laugh at the crane.
As soon as the crane reached at the fox’s house, he said, “Welcome, friend, come and take this delicious food”. He then served soup in a flat pan. The tried to drink the soup but he was unable to do that for his long beak. The hungry crane understood the trick of the fox but was polite and said nothing to the fox. The crane wanted to take revenge on the fox. After some time the crane also invited the fox. On the day the fox went to the crane’s house. The crane welcomed the fox and said, “Come friend, I have made delicious food for you”. The fox was served food in a long jar. He tried to put his mouth into the jar but failed and could not quench his hunger. Atlast the fox got right punishment and understood his mistake.

Moral: “Tit for tat.”
Alternative titles:
1. The Peculiar Friendship.
2. Fox and Crane’s Dinner Dilemma.
3. The Tricky Dinner.

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The Fox and The Crane Story Writing

Story writing the fox and the crane story


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