Hare and Tortoise Story-Writing


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Hare and Tortoise Story-Writing

Write a story from the outlines given below. Add a suitable title and give a moral.

Hints: A hare and a tortoise ran a race — the hare ran very fast — tired and began to rest — asleep — the tortoise went on at its slow pace — without topmost speed but the tortoise had reached the destination earlier.

The Hare and The Tortoise

Once upon a time there lived a tortoise and a hare in a wood. They were close friend. But the hare was very proud of his speed.
He always laughed at the tortoise for his slow pace. But one day the tortoise said, “I invite you to take part in a race.” The hare laughed and accepted the challenge.
The day of the race came. All the animals of the wood were present to see the race between them. Both of them started to run from a point. After sometime when the hare was on the midway, he saw the tortoise far behind. He decided to take rest under a tree beside the road. He sat under a tree and fell asleep.
When he woke up he saw the tortoise was about to touch the finishing line. He soon began to run again but the tortoise had already crossed the finishing line. All the animals declared the tortoise winner.

Moral: Slow but steady wins a race.

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Alternative Titles: Race of Unequal Contestants, An Unequal Race, An Unequal Match, A Peculiar Race.

👉 All Stories Link: Click Here

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Hare and Tortoise Story-Writing

Amazon থেকে কিনুন স্টাইলিশ স্কুল ব্যাগ, আপনার শিশুর প্রতিদিনের সঙ্গী!

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