The Foolish Goat Story

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The Foolish Goat Story

Write a story from the outlines given below. Add a suitable title and give a moral.

Hints: A fox falls into well —- cannot come out —- goat passes by —- fox calls out to goat —- tells goat water of the well is very sweet —- goat believes fox —- jumps in —- fox jumps on goat’s back and escapes —- foolish goat left in the well..

A Foolish Goat

A fox once fell into a well. Although it tried hard, it could not come out. It didn’t know what to do.
Then a goat passed by. The fox called out to the goat. The goat stopped and looked in. “Why don’t you join me?” said the clever fox. “The water of this well is very sweet and refreshing.”
The goat believed the fox and jumped in. As soon as it did so, the fox jumped on the goat’s back and escaped. The foolish goat was left in the well.

Moral: “Look before you leap.”.

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The Foolish Goat Story


the clever fox and the foolish goat

Write a story from the outlines given below. Add a suitable title and give a moral.

the clever fox and the foolish goat story writing

Amazon থেকে কিনুন স্টাইলিশ স্কুল ব্যাগ, আপনার শিশুর প্রতিদিনের সঙ্গী!

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Amazon থেকে কিনুন স্টাইলিশ স্কুল ব্যাগ, আপনার শিশুর প্রতিদিনের সঙ্গী!

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