Vernier Caliper Least Count

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Vernier Caliper Least Count

A Vernier caliper is a precision measuring tool that is used to measure linear dimensions such as length, diameter, and thickness with high accuracy. The least count of a Vernier caliper is the smallest measurement that can be read and recorded by the instrument.

The least count of a Vernier caliper is determined by the number of divisions on the Vernier scale and the main scale. The Vernier scale is a graduated scale that slides along the main scale, and its divisions are slightly different in size from the divisions on the main scale.

For a typical Vernier caliper with a main scale that is graduated in millimeters, the Vernier scale usually has 10 divisions that cover a distance of 9 main scale divisions. Therefore, the least count of the caliper can be calculated as follows:

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Least count = (main scale division) / (number of Vernier scale divisions)

= 1 mm / 10

= 0.1 mm

Therefore, the least count of a Vernier caliper is usually 0.1 mm, which means that it can measure dimensions with an accuracy of 0.1 mm. However, some Vernier calipers may have a different number of Vernier scale divisions or a different main scale unit, which would affect the least count of the instrument.

Vernier Caliper Least Count Calculator

Vernier Caliper Least Count Calculator

Enter the number of divisions on the Vernier scale:

Enter the main scale unit (in mm):

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