Editorial-Letter Price Hike-of Essential-Commodities
Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the high price of essential commodities.
The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata- 700001
Sub: High price of essential commodities.
I shall be grateful to you if you give me a little space in your esteemed daily, I would like to express my concern about high price of essential commodities.
The price of all essential goods are rising constantly day by day. It has become impossible for a large number of middle class family to buy commodities like rice, wheat, dal, oils, spices and other vegetables. Even medicine also has gone beyond the reach of middle class family. The poor people and daily wage earner suffers a lot. The main reasons of price hike are black marketing, hoarding, fall of production, improper system of distribution and corruption at all levels.
It is high time that government takes necessary steps to control the prices. The government needs to act strictly against the hoarding, black marketing and profitteering of essential items. Acts of corruption and bribery must be rooted out. Only then the common man relieved from the effects of price rise.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Raj Dutta
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Editorial-Letter Price Hike-of Essential-Commodities
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