Class-5 English First-Unit-Test Question-2023

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Class-5 English First-Unit-Test Question-2023

প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন: ২০২৩
পঞ্চম শ্রেণী
বিষয়: ইংরেজী
পূর্ণমান: ১৫ সময়: ৩০ মিনিট
1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below:

At 4 a.m. on May 29, 1953, Hillary and Norgay awoke and got ready for their climb. Hillary discovered that his boots had frozen and spent two hours defrosting them. The two men left camp at 6:30 a.m. Upon their climb, they came upon one particularly difficult rock face, but Hillary found a way to climb it. The rock face is now called “Hillary’s Step”. At 11:30 a.m., Hillary and Norgay reached the summit of Mt. Everest. Hillary reached out to shake Norgay’s hand, but Norgay gave him a hug in return. The two men enjoyed only 15 minutes at the top of the world because of their low oxygen supply. They spent their time taking photographs and enjoying the view. Norgay placed a food offering to God. When their 15 minutes were up, Hillary and Norgay made their way back down the mountain.

(A) What happened on May 29, 1953? Follow the given sequence and describe:

(i) 4 a.m. :
(ii) 6.30 a.m. :
(iii) 11.30 a.m. :
(iv) 11.45 a.m. :


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4 a.m. : Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay awoke and got ready for their climb.
6.30 a.m. : They left their camp for their climb.
11.30 a.m. : They reached the summit of Mt. Everest.
11.45 a.m. : They made their way back down the mountain.

(B) Write T for true and F for false:

(i) There was enough oxygen supply.
(ii) Norgay offered food to God.

(i) There was enough oxygen supply. [ F ]
(ii) Norgay offered food to God. [ T ]

(C) Complete the following sentences:

(i) Norgay and Hillary spent their 15 minutes ________________________________________________

(ii) Hillary and Norgay made their way back down the mountain when _____________________

(iii) Hillary reached out to shake Norgay’s hand, but Norgay ________________________________

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(i) Norgay and Hillary spent their 15 minutes photographs and enjoying the view.

(ii) Hillary and Norgay made their way back down the mountain when their 15 minutes were up.

(iii) Hillary reached out to shake Norgay’s hand, but Norgay gave him a hug in return.

2. Fill in the blanks with articles a/an/the.

(i) ________ orange. (ii) _________ Himalayas. (iii) _________ goat.

(i) an orange. (ii) the Himalayas. (iii) a goat.

3. Fill in the chart:


4. Underline the correct answers:

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(i) Rahul has a little pet dog. He loves [ his/her/their ] pet dog.

(ii) I read in class V. [ My/Their/His ] school is nearby.

(i) Rahul has a little pet dog. He loves [his/her/their] pet dog.

(ii) I read in class V. [My/Their/His] school is nearby.

5. Underline the correct answer.

The word [ India/country/Ganga ] is a common noun.

The word [ India/country/Ganga ] is a common noun.

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Class-5 English First-Unit-Test Question-2023

Class 5 First Unit Test Exam 2023 English Question Answer

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