Class-5 English 2nd-Unit-Test Questions
2nd Unit Test
Class: V
Sub: English
F.M: 20 Time: 40 minutes

1. Read the text carefully and answer the following questions:
Ballygunge Government High School was on the eastern side of the Beltala Road Police Station. The southern part of the school was our playground. It was surrounded by a lofty wall. When seen from above, the school looked like the English letter “T”. The vertical part of the “T” was the hall of the school and the horizontal part of the letter was formed by the row of classrooms. The annual prize distribution ceremony was held in this hall, which had a gallery as well. Feasts, on occasion of Saraswati Puja, were also arranged here. I still remember the experience of watching a Shakesperean play in this hall. The play was The Merchant of Venice, a few scenes from which were performed by a couple of foreign actors called Greenberg and Salim. A Charlie Chaplin movie was also screened here once.
A. Answer the following questions: (4)
(i) What was the name of the Shakesperean play that was performed in the hall?
(ii) Name the two foreign actors mentioned by the author.
B. Write T for true and F for false: (4)
(i) Ballygunge Government High School was on the southern side of the Beltala Road Police Station.
(ii) Feasts on occasion of Saraswati Puja were arranged in the school playground.
(iii) The annual prize distribution ceremony was held in playground of the schoool.
(iv) The playground was in the southern part of the school.
2. Fill in the blanks with Prepositions given in the box: (1 1/2)
(i) Put the duster ______________________ the table.
(ii) I go ____________ school everyday.
(iii) He was born _____________ Kolkata.
Help Box: under, in, to, on |
3. Change the form of the following words: (1 1/2)
Present | Past |
tell | |
caught | |
go |
4. Do as Directed: 4
(i) Write the short form of “Will not”.
(ii) Identify the Adverb and classify it:
We won the match yesterday.
(iii) Fill in the blank with Present Continuous Tense:
The children _________________________________ (sing) a song.
(iv) Split the sentence into subject and predicate:
But I could draw very well.
Subject | Predicate |
5. Write five sentence about yourself. (5)
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