asleep in the valley mcq

Asleep in the Valley MCQ
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asleep in the valley poem  | asleep in the valley mcq question and answer

Asleep In The Valley mcq question and answer

1. The stream flows through

a) a small green valley
b) a green valley
c) a small valley
d) a long green valley

2. The poem “Asleep in the Valley” is a

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a) lyric
b) sonnet
c) epic
d) elegy

3. The soldier sleeps in-

a) rain
b) snow
c) moonlight
d) sunlight

4. In the expression “they fill the hollow full of light”, ‘hollow’ suggests

a) the stream
b) the glade
c) the valley
d) the hills

5. The expression “from the mountain top streams the Sun’s / Rays” carries-

a) an irony
b) a personification
c) an allusion
d) a simile

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6. The soldier was lying —

a) on his back
b) on his chest
c) with open eyes
d) open mouthed

7. The soldier’s head rested on the pillow made of-

a) long strands of silver
b) fern
c) warm sun
d) humming insects

8. The soldier was looking pale in the-

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a) warm green sun soaked bed
b) the heavy undergrowth
c) fern beneath his head
d) long strands of silver

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9. The soldier had a smile on his face that resembled-

a) a leader
b) an infant
c) a teenager
d) a statesman

10. The soldier had in his side-

a) humming insects
b) bed of flowers
c) two red holes
d) heavy undergrowth.

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11. The smile of the soldier, in the poem is-

a) witty
b) gentle
c) shrewd
d) kind

12. The soldier lay with his hands –

a) at his sides
b) behind his head
c) on his head
d) on his breast

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13. The Soldier’s smile is –

a) Sweet
b) Infantile
c) Satirical
d) Silly

14. The soldier’s feet were among

a) flowers
b) Ierns
c) grass
d) bushes

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15. The valley is filled with –

a) fog
b) sunlight
c) moonlight
d) insects

16. The soldier lies stretched –

a) in the heavy undergrowth
b) on the mountain top
c) in the hollow
d) an a bed of fern.

17. “Asleep in the valley” is –

a) a romantic lyric
b) a patriotic lyric
c) an anti-war lyric
d) a nature poem

asleep in the valley mcq

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