Lord Buddha and a Mother Story

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Story writing Lord Buddha and a Mother

Write a story from the outlines given below. Add a suitable title and give a moral.

Hints: a woman lost her only son —- went to lord Buddha to bring back life to her son— Buddha asked her to bring mustard seeds from a house where death not occured — the woman failed — buddha consoled her.

Lord Buddha and A Mother

Once there lived a woman who had only one son. One day her son fell sick and died soon after. This left her heartbroken. She could not accept loss. Then an old man advised her to take her son’s body to Lord Buddha. She went to Lord Buddha and begged him to bring her son back to life. Buddha could realize that it was impossible for him to console the bereaved mother. So, he advised her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death did not take place. Being hopeful, the bereaved mother went away to beg a handful of mustard seeds but she could not find any such house. Atlast she returned to Buddha and expressed her experienced to him. Then Buddha told her, “Mother, do not be bereaved for your own sorrow because everybody in this world had lost his kith and kin. If a man is born, he is sure to die anyday.”

Moral: Sorrow and Death are common to all.

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Lord Buddha and a Mother Story Writing

Story writing Lord Buddha and a Mother who lost her son.


lord buddha and a mother story // story writing lord buddha and mother // lord buddha and a mother story moral // lord buddha and a woman story writing // lord buddha and a bereaved mother story writing

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