Letter to friend advising the need to inculcate a hobby

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Write a letter to your friend advising him the need to inculcate a hobby.

Vill+P.O- Krishnagar
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Dear friend Rahul,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Today I want to tell you how having a hobby can be really good for you. Hobbies are things you enjoy doing in your free time, like painting, gardening, singing or playing a sport. They help you relax, learn new stuff, and reduce stress. Hobbies also teach you to manage your time better and make new friends. When you do something you love, it makes you happy and satisfied. So, try to find something fun you like to do in your free time, even if it’s just reading or going for walks. It’ll make your life more enjoyable.
I also have a hobby, by the way. I love gardening. It’s so peaceful and helps me forget about stress. If you ever want to give it a try, I’m here to help! Take care.

Your lovingly

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Rahul Dutta
C/O- Nitin Dutta
A.J.C. Bose Road
Kolkata- 700020

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Keywords: Letter to friend describing the importance of having a hobby | Write a letter to your friend advising him the need to inculcate a hobby.

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Write a letter to your friend advising him the need to inculcate a hobby.

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