Letter-to-editor about Irregular Clearance-of-Garbage

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Letter-to-editor about Irregular Clearance-of-Garbage

Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern about Irregular Clearance of Garbage.

The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata- 700001

Sub: Irregular Clearance of Garbage in our Locality.
I shall be grateful to you if you give me a little space in your esteemed daily to express my concern about irregular clearance of garbage in our locality.
Heaps of garbages are accumulated everywhere in our locality. They are not removed regularly. Air of our locality is always filled with foul smell. The entire locality has been an ideal breeding ground for flies and mosquitoes. Some people of locality have been suffering from cholera and malaria and they have already been hospitalized. Open drains and stagnant water have made the situation worst. If this condition goes on for an indefinite period an epidemic may break out any time in our locality. We have already informed the local administration of the matter but no result.
I, therefore, on behalf of the people of our locality, request the concerned authority to take necessary steps to solve the problem.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Rumi Dutta

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Letter-to-editor about Irregular Clearance-of-Garbage

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Write a letter to the editor about the irregular clearance of garbage in your locality in about 100 words for Madhyamik

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