Computer MCQ Question Answer-2

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Computer MCQ Question Answer-2

Computer MCQs (Part- 2)

Q11. Who is the developer of mouse?
(A) Dennis Riche
(B) Douglas Engelbart
(C) Christopher Latham Sholes
(D) Charles Babbage

Q12. Computer mouse is used for?
(A) Drawing
(B) Creating lines
(C) Selecting options
(D) All of these

Q13. Computer mouse is an essential part of?
(B) Software
(C) Hardware
(D) Motherboard

Q14. Who is the developer of Keyboard?
(A) Dennis Riche
(B) Douglas Engelbart
(C) Christopher Latham Sholes
(D) Charles Babbage

Q15. Which one is the most popular keyboard?
(A) USB Keyboard
(B) Qwerty Keyboard
(C) Multimedia Keyboard
(D) Mechanical Keyboard

Q16. Taskbar is used for?
(A) Start a program
(B) Navigation program
(C) Switching between program
(D) All of the above

Q17. From where can we change the User Account Name?
(A) Setting
(B) Computer Panel
(C) Code Panel
(D) Control Panel

Q18. How can we bring ‘My Computer’ icon on the desktop, if it is not there?
(A) From Setting
(B) From Wallpaper
(C) From Display Properties
(D) From Explorer

Q19. When you delete a file from the computer, where does it go?
(A) Taskbar
(B) Hard disk
(C) Recycle bin
(D) None of these

Q20. Early computers such as ENIAC, EDVAC, and UNIVAC-I can all be classified into?
(A) 1st Generation
(B) 2nd Generation
(C) 3rd Generation
(D) 4th Generation

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