Class 7 Model Activity Task English September

Class 7 Model Activity Task English September, 2021
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Class 7 Model Activity Task English September

এখানে শিক্ষাদপ্তর থেকে দেওয়া সপ্তম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজী বিষয়ের ‘Model Activity Task 2021 3rd Series (September)’ এর প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। তোমরা বিষয় ভিত্তিক খাতায় উত্তরগুলো তৈরি করো।

Class 7 Model Activity Task English September, 2021

Class 7 Model Activity Task English September, 2021


A. Fill in the table with information from the passage:

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WhenWhat happened
(i)1869Bose joined Hare School.
(ii)1875Bose was admitted to St. Xavier’s School in Calcutta.
(iii)1884Bose received the Natural Science Tripos from the University of Cambridge and a BSc. Degree from the University of London.

B. Answer the following questions:

(i) From which school did J.C Bose pass Entrance Examination?

Ans: J.C Bose passed the Entrance Examination from St. Xavier’s School in Calcutta.

(ii) Who influenced Bose to study Natural Science?

Ans: Jesuit Father Eugene Lafont influenced Bose to study Natural Science.

(iii) In which college of England did Bose take admission?

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Ans: Bose took admission in Christ College, Cambridge in England.


Do as directed:

(i) The cheetah is the fastest animal. (Use Positive degree of the adjective)

Ans: No other animal is as fast as the cheetah.

(ii) Very few queens were as powerful as Elizabeth I. (Use Superlative degree)

Ans: Elizabeth I was one of the most powerful queens.

Amazon থেকে কিনুন স্টাইলিশ স্কুল ব্যাগ, আপনার শিশুর প্রতিদিনের সঙ্গী!

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(iii) No other girl of our school is so pretty as Tania. (Use Comparative degree)

Ans: Tania is prettier than any other girl of our school.



(i) Philatelist — One who collects stamps.

(ii) Atheist — A person who does not believe in the existence of God.

(iii) Sculptor — An artist who makes sculptures.

(iv) Apiary — A place where bees are kept.

(v) Pessimist — One who has the negative outlook in life.

(vi) Inevitable — Certain to happen


Suppose your cousin has never been to your village. Write a letter to him/her describing your village and inviting him/her to visit your village.


{Your Address}

Dear Suresh,

Hope this letter finds everybody at home in the best of health and happiness. I received your letter yesterday. You wanted to know about our village. Our village is small, about 600 people live here. Most of the people are farmers. The green fields around our village add a unique dimension to the beauty of the village. All the villagers live in harmony, rush to each other’s danger, rejoice together in the festival. You have not come in our village ever. The festive season is on the card. Come this year, we will enjoy a lot. No more today. Take my love and convey my respect to uncle and aunt.

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Yours brother, Anil

{Your Cousin’s Address}

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Amazon থেকে কিনুন স্টাইলিশ স্কুল ব্যাগ, আপনার শিশুর প্রতিদিনের সঙ্গী!

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