Bad Condition of Hospital Editorial Letter

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Bad Condition of Hospital Editorial Letter

Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern about Bad Condition of Hospital.

The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata- 700001

Sub: Bad Condition of Hospital.
I shall be grateful to you if you give me a little space in your esteemed daily to express my concern over bad cndition of hospital in our locality.
The condition of the hospital in our locality is very bad and most of the people think it as the gateway of death. People do not get proper treatment and medicine. Beds are very much dirty and insufficient. So, many patients have to lie down on the floor. Food given to the patients are very poor in quality. The atmosphere of the hospital is very unhygienic as it is not cleaned regularly. Many street animals like dogs, cats are found to be roaming in the hospital. Doctors are found to neglect their duties as they are interested in their private clinics. Besides doctors, the behaviour of the nurses are very rude. For treatment, outdoor patients have to wait for a long time.
So, I request you to publish an editorial comment on this subject to draw attention of the authority. I, also request the government to take necessary steps to mitigate the problem.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Rakesh Das

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Keywords: Letter to Editor For Bad Condition Of Hospital. // Bad Condition Of Hospital Editor Letter.

Bad Condition of Hospital Editorial Letter

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Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern about Bad Condition of Hospital Editorial Letter.

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