Asleep-in-the-Valley long questions-and-answers

Asleep-in-the-Valley long questions-and-answers
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Asleep-in-the-Valley long questions-and-answers

Asleep in the Valley (Arthur Rimbaud) Long questions and Answers for all the students of H.S questions and answers from ASLEEP IN THE VALLEY, Arthur Rimbaud

Asleep in the Valley
Arthur Rimbaud
Long Questions Answers
1. “The humming insects don’t disturb his rest.” –Who rests and where? Why is his rest not disturbed by the insects? (1+2+3) H.S: ’20

Ans: In Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ the young soldier who is a victim of war rests in a small green valley.
The young soldier lies stretched with a pillow made of fern in the heavy undergrowth. He lies pale in his warm sun-soaked bed with feet among the flowers in a small green valley.
His rest is not disturbed by the humming insects because he is dead. The poet simply describes that the young soldier is sleeping in sunlight with one hand on his breast at peace. But the cruel reality is that the soldier has received fatal wound of bullets in the side of his body. It has caused his death. So the humming insects will not be able to wake him by disturbing his rest.

2. “His smile/ Is like an infant’s…” Whose smile is being referred to here? Why is his smile compared to the smile of an infants? How does Nature take care of him? (1+2+3) H.S: ’19

Ans: In Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’, the smile of a dead young soldier is being referred to.
The dead soldier’s smile is compared to the smile of an infant because he is innocent and virtuous as a child. He is ignorant about the cruelty of war. He is a victim of war. And he is as helpless as a child. His innocent smile shows the futility of war.
Nature takes much care of the young soldier. Mother Nature prepares a warm sun-soaked bed with the pillow made of fern for the young soldier. He will not catch cold as mother nature keeps him warm. The feet of the soldier are among the flowers. It shows that Nature pays her last respect to the martyr.

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3. How does the poet express the futility of war through his poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’? What message does he want to convey? (4+2) H.S: ’18

Ans: The poet expresses his critical attitude to war throughout the poem. He tells us about the futility, cruelty and brutality of war. War destroys innocent life of young soldiers. He is against the organized butchery of young boys in war. He explores the horror and futility of war in this poem. A very young soldier receives fatal wound of bullets and dies. He is innocent and ignorant about the brutality of war. He is a victim of war. The poem shows tragic death of a young soldier in the midst of nature’s splendour. Thus the poet is sarcastic in his view of war and expresses the futility of war.
The poet want to convey the message that war only brings destruction. Nature cares us with her tender touch of nourishment. War destroys this holy and glorious purpose.

4. “In his side there are two red holes.” –Who is the person referred to here? What do the ‘two red holes’ signify? What attitude of the poet to war is reflected here? (1+2+3) H.S: ’18

Ans: The person who is referred to here is a very young soldier lying dead in the valley in Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’.
The ‘two red holes’ suggest two bullet wounds. So, it significantly says that the soldier has received fatal wound of bullets and it has caused his death. The young innocent soldier is a victim of war.
The poet expresses his critical attitude to war throughout the poem. He tells us about the futility, cruelty and brutality of war. War destroys innocent life of young soldiers. He explores the horror and futility of war in this poem. A very young soldier receives fatal wound of bullets and dies. He is innocent and ignorant about the brutality of war. He is a victim of war. The poem shows tragic death of a young soldier in the midst of nature’s splendour. So, the poet is sarcastic in his view of war.

5. “A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed” –Who is the soldier referred to here? Narrate in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley. (2+4) H.S: ’16

Ans: In Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’, the very young soldier who lies open-mouthed in the valley is a victim of war. He receives fatal wound of bullets in the side of his body and it has caused his death.
The young soldier lies open-mouthed with a pillow made of fern in the valley. He lies stretched in the heavy undergrowth. He is pale in his green sun-soaked bed. His feet are placed among the flowers. Mother Nature keeps him warm as he may catch cold. He sleeps peacefully in sunlight with one hand on his breast. The humming insects will not be able to wake him by disturbing his rest because he is in eternal sleep. The poet shows cruelty and brutality of war in this poem. Thus we see that the young soldier lies dead with two bullet wounds in the valley.

6. Justify the title of the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’.

Ans: The title of Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is ironical. In this poem we see a very young soldier lies in a green valley. Mother Nature has prepared a warm sun-soaked bed and a pillow made of fern. The soldier lies stretched with open-mouth and one hand on his breast. He sleeps peacefully with his feet among the flowers. The irony lies in the fact that the humming insects cannot disturb his rest because he is in eternal sleep of death. He is a victim of war. In the side of his body there are two red holes. It suggests that he has received fatal wound of bullets. He is not sleeping normally. His sleep is actually the eternal sleep of death. So the title ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is ironically justified.

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Asleep-in-the-Valley long questions-and-answers

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Asleep-in-the-Valley long questions-and-answers

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