The-Poetry-of-Earth Long Question Answer

The-Poetry-of-Earth Long Question Answer
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The-Poetry-of-Earth Long Question Answer

The Poetry of Earth
John Keats
Long Questions Answers
1. How does Keats show that the ‘poetry of earth’ never cease? H.S: 2019
Why does Keats feel that the poetry of earth is never dead? H.S: 2015
Ans: In the poem’ The Poetry of Earth’ the poet says that the poetry of earth is never dead. The poet shows very clearly that the poetry or music in nature continues through the changes of seasons. In summer when the birds are faint with the hot sun and hide in the shade of cooling trees, the Grasshopper carries the music of earth. His voice is heard from the hedge to hedge and in the new-mown mead. He takes the main role to continue the music in summer luxury. In winter when the frost creates a silence, the cricket shrills from the stove. One who is half lost in drowsiness mistakes the cricket’s song as the song of Grasshopper. Thus the music of earth never ceases. It continues through the changes of seasons.
2. Justify the title of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’. H.S: 2016
Ans: Th title of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth refers to the continuous music of nature. ‘The poetry of earth’ means poem or music of earth.
In the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ the poet says that the poetry of earth is never dead. The poet shows very clearly that the poetry or music in nature continues through the changes of seasons. In summer when the birds are faint with the hot sun and hide in the shade of cooling trees, the Grasshopper carries the music of earth. His voice is heard from hedge to hedge and in the new-mown mead. He takes the main role to continue the music in summer luxury. In winter when the frost creates a silence, the cricket shrills from the stove. Thus the music of earth never ceases. It continues through the changes of seasons. Hence the title is appropriate.
3. What does Keats mean by ‘the poetry of earth’? Why does he say that this poetry never ceases? H.S: 2017
The poet means never ceasing music of nature as ‘the poetry of earth.’ The expression ‘the poetry of earth’ refers to the continuous music of nature. ‘The poetry of earth’ means poem or music of earth.
In the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ the poet says that the poetry of earth is never dead. The poet shows very clearly that the poetry or music in nature continues through the changes of seasons. In summer when the birds are faint with the hot sun and hide in the shade of cooling trees, the Grasshopper carries the music of earth. His voice is heard from hedge to hedge and in the new-mown mead. He takes the main role to continue the music in summer luxury. In winter when the frost creates a silence, the cricket shrills from the stove. Thus the music of earth never ceases. It continues through the changes of seasons.
4. What picture of summer is presented in ‘The Poetry of Earth’? How has it been carried onto the picture of winter? H.S: 2016
Ans: A musical picture of summer is presented in ‘The Poetry of Earth.” The poet shows that the poetry or the music of earth never ceases. It continues through the changes of seasons. In summer when the birds are faint with the hot sun and hide in the shade of cooling trees, the Grasshopper carries the music of earth. His voice is heard from one hedge to other and in the new-mown mead. He takes the main role to continue the music in summer luxury.
In a lone winter evening when the frost creates a silence, the cricket shrills from the stove. One who is half lost in drowsiness mistakes the cricket’s song as the song of Grasshopper. Thus the music of earth never ceases It continues through the changes of seasons.
5. Identify the voices of the “Poetry of Earth”. How does Keats establish its continuity through these voices. H.S: 2020
Ans: In John Keats’ poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ the voices of the Grasshopper and the Cricket are presented as the voices of the ‘Poetry of Earth’. The Grasshopper sings in summer and the Cricket sings in winter.
In the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’ the poet says that the poetry of earth is never dead. The poet shows very clearly that the poetry or music in nature continues through the changes of seasons. In summer when the birds are faint with the hot sun and hide in the shade of cooling trees, the Grasshopper carries the music of earth. His voice is heard from the hedge to hedge and in the new-mown mead. He takes the main role to continue the music in summer luxury. In winter when the frost creates a silence, the cricket shrills from the stove. One who is half lost in drowsiness mistakes the cricket’s song as the song of Grasshopper. Thus the music of earth never ceases. It continues through the changes of seasons.

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The-Poetry-of-Earth Long Question Answer

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The-Poetry-of-Earth Long Question Answer

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