Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day questions and answers

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day questions and answers
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Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day questions and answers. Read the full article in order to get a good idea about the poem.

1. To what does the poet compare the beauty of his friend?

The poet compares the beauty of his friend to a summer’s day.

2. How long did Shakespeare expect his friend to live?

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Shakespearean expects his friend to live as long as men can breathe or eyes can see and as long as his verse lives.

3. What adjectives does the poet use to describe the beauty of the friend?

The poet uses the adjectives, ‘lovely’ and ‘temperate’ to describe the beauty of the friend

4. What does ‘eternal lines’ indicate?

‘Eternal lines’ refer to the eternal lines of the poet’s verse.

5. What type of poem is “Shall I compare thee to a summers day”?

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‘Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?’ is a sonnet.

6. What demerits does the summer season have?

One demerit of summer is that it is short-spanned.

7. Why does “every fair from fair sometime declines”?

Every fair, from fair declines by chance or by nature’s changing course untrimmed.

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8. How are the buds of May shaken?

The buds of May are shaken by rough winds of summer.

9. What will death not do to the poet’s friend?

Death will not boastfully drag the poet’s friend to his shade.

10. What do rough winds do in the season of summer?

Rough winds shake the darling buds of May in the season of summer.

11. What will the poet’s friend not lose possession of?

The poet’s friend will not lose possession of the ‘fair’ it owns.

12. What is the “eye of heaven”?

The phrase ‘eye of heaven’ refers to the summer sun.

13. Why will the ‘eternal summer’ in the friend never fade?

Eternal summer of his friend’s lasting beauty will never fade because poet’s verse will make him eternal.

14. What will the poet’s friend not lose possession of?

The poet’s friend will not lose possession of the ‘fair’ it owns.

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15. What would death fail to do? or, What shall death not do to the poet’s friend?

Death shall not boastfully drag the poet’s friend to his shade.

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16. Whom does the poet address in the poem “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

The poet addresses his friend, a fair youth in the poem “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”.

17. How does the poet claim to eternalize the beauty of his friend?

By putting his friend’s beauty into the form of poetry, the poet claims to eternalize the beauty of his friend.

18. How will poet’s friend grow to time?

The poets friend will grow to time in eternal lines of the poem.

19. Mention the two qualities that the poet’s friend possessed, which made his comparison with summer impossible.

The poet’s friend is more ‘lovely’ and more ‘temparate’ and these are the qualities that made his comparison with summer impossible.

20. How long does the poet expect his friend to live?

The poet expects his friend to live as long as men can breathe or eyes can see and also as long as his verse lines.

21. What are the last two lines of a Shakespearean sonnet called?

The last two lines of a Shakespearean sonnet are called a couplet.

22. What shakes the darling buds of May?

Rough winds shake the darling buds of May.

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23. Explain the line — And summer’s lease hath all, too short a date.

The line signifies that the time alloted to the summer season is short.

24. What is meant by the term ‘eternal summer’ ?

By the term ‘eternal summer’, the poet refers to his friend’s everlasting beauty and virtues.

25. What will give life to the poet’s friend?

The eternal lines of the poem will give life to the poet’s friend.

26. What happend because of the nature’s changing course?

Because of the nature’s changing cource, every fair from fair sometime declines.

27. Whose ‘eternal summer’ shall not fade?

The ‘eternal summer’ of the poet’s friend shall not fade.

28. Whose ‘gold complexion’ does the poet refer to?

The poet refers to the ‘gold complexion’ of the summer sun.

29. Who shall grow in eternal lines to time?

The poets friend will grow to time in eternal lines of the poem.

30. Who shall not brag about claiming the life of the poet’s friend?

Death shall not brag about claiming the life of the poet’s friend.

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day questions and answers

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