Report Writing Science Exhibition-in-School

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Report Writing Science Exhibition-in-School

Write a Newspaper Report on a Science Exhibition that was organised recently in your school within 100 Words.

Science Exhibition at ABC High School
— By a Staff Reporter

Nabagram, 10th April: A successful exhibition was organised in the auditorium of our school yesterday. The auditorium was decorated with beautiful flags and coloured papers. Students, teachers, guardians and local people were present in the auditorium. Our headmaster inaugurated at 11 am. and delivered a short speech on the importance of such programme inn the school.
The B.D.O of our block was the chief guest. Then the students went to display their models. The reservation of rain water was showed by the students of class twelve. The students of class eleven showed how the rain water stored and used in domestic purposes. The students of class ten showed about the importance of solar energy in our modern life as an alternative source of energy. The local people visited the models one by one. The chief guest visited the models and praised the students. The exhibition was closed at 5 pm. The local people praised the students. Really this kind of science exhibitions boost the confidence of the students.

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Keywords: Report Writing | Science Exhibition Report Writing | Report writing for Madhyamik Write a Newspaper Report on a Science Exhibition that was organised recently in your school within 100 Words. Important Report Writing for Class 8 Report Writing for Class 7 Report Writing for Class 6 Report Writing for Class 5.

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Report Writing Science Exhibition-in-School

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