Processing Writing How Tea-is-Prepared

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Processing Writing How Tea-is-Prepared

Write in about 100 words how Tea is Prepared.

Points: Pour cold water in a kettle —- boil it until vapour comes out —- put tea leaf in a tea pot —- pour boiled water in the pot and leave it for 2 minutes —- add sugar and milk and stir with a teaspoon —- pour in cups —- serve it hot.

How Tea is Prepared

Tea which is a kind of drink in our daily life can cut down our stress and headache and can give us an amazing strength. We can take it single or with bread, chapati and biscuit. The processing of making tea is very easy and it can be prepared through some simple steps.
At first some cold water is poured in a kettle. Next it is boiled until the vapour comes out. Then tea leaf is put in a pot. Thereafter the boiled water is poured in the tea pot and it is left for 2 minutes. After that sugar and milk are added and stirred with a teaspoon. Now, the processing of making the tea is completed and ready to pour in cups. At last it is served hot.

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Keywords: Processing Writing How Tea is Prepared | Tea Processing | How Tea is Prepared | Important Processing Writing for Madhyamik | How to write Processing easily | Processing writing in about 100 words | How Tea is Prepared | Class 10 English processing writing Processing Writing How Tea-is-Prepared

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Processing Writing How Tea-is-Prepared

How Tea is Prepared

How Tea is Prepared Processing Writing

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