Paragraph on A-Book You-Have-Recently Read

Paragraph on A-Book You-Have-Recently Read

Write a paragraph on “A Book You Have Recently Read” in about 100 words:

Paragraph 1: A Book I Have Recently Read

Every person has his own hobby. I have also many hobbies but reading book is one of them. I have recently read a book named “My Experiments with Truth”. It is an autobiography of “Mahatma Gandhi”.
I like this book very much because it has left profound influence on my mind. It brings out how Gandhiji awakened the sleeping Indians with moral force and aroused in them a love for liberty. He believed that politics should be tempered with morality. Besides, it has proved a turning point in my life. I have learnt a lot from this book. Every sentence of it has a touch of sincerity just like Gandhiji’s own weaknesses. According to him “God is truth and truth is God”. It is written in a simple but effective style. This story always remember me how Gandhiji had walked with staff in his hand over a large part of India. So, This book is one of my favourite book.

Paragraph 2: A Book I Have Recently Read

On my last birthday one of my relatives presented me an attractive book, named “Ramer Sumati” written by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay. The book narrates the story of a joint family and Ramlal, a boy is the hero of the novel. Though in his childhood Ramlal lost his mother when he was two and half years old but he was not deprived of motherly affection as Narayani, his step elder brother, Shyamlal’s wife reared his as her own son. Ramlal was not only a naughtiy and unruly boy but also did mischief nearly all the time. He had a constant companion, Bhola. Narayani worried about him as he was a terror to everyone in the village but her fondness gave him coonstant protection. Thus Narayani saved the family from being division. The character of Ramlal attracts me the most. The special feature of the book is that Ramlal was one side restless and did not care anybody but his sister-in-law, Narayani. He obeyed her like a gentle boy. When at last his elder brother divided the family wealth into two halves and forbade Narayani to speak with him, Ramlal understood his folly and became normal. I like the novel because from the beginning of the novel,I like Ramlal and at the end he transformes into a polite boy.

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