Nobel Lecture Long Questions-Answers

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Nobel Lecture Long Questions-Answers

Nobel Lecture
Mother Teresa
Long Questions Answers
1. What Story of neighbourly love does Mother Teresa narrate in her speech?
Ans: In her nobel speech Mother Teresa narrates that once a gentleman informed her of a starving Hindu family of eight children and requested her to do something for them. Mother went to the household with some rice and could see the hunger in the faces of the children. The Hindu mother distributed some rice among her children and went away with some rice. When she returned and Mother Teresa asked her where she had been, the mother of eight children answered that she had gone to give some rice to a Muslim household which also had been starving for some time. Mother Teresa was deeply moved by this gesture of neighbourly love. So she tells everybody to love the neighbour before loving God.
2. What does Mother Teresa say about the greatest destroyer of peace? How successful she has been in her fight against this?
Ans: According to the Mother, the greatest destroyer of peace in the world is abortion as it is the direct killing of the unwanted unborn child by the will of the mother. It amounts to going against the will of God who made the child wanted while the mother did not want so. In a society where else can one find peace of it is not in the lap of the mother? Mother Teresa and her organisation have achieved success in this fight against abortion by teaching the poor and the destitute natural ways of family planning. In her aim to make the unwanted children wanted she urged mothers to give birth to the babies and give them to her so that she could make the baby feel wanted in a family of a childless couple.
3. Bring out Mother’s observation on drug-addiction particularly in the West.
Ans: In her Nobel Lecture, Mother Teresa remarks on drug-addictions. This is a pressing social problem in advanced countries. She takes this as a grave problem and seeks to find out the cause behind this addiction to drugs. According to Mother, isolation from their parents’ can hardly make time to personally attend to their children. They remain too busy to give any time to them. These children are, no doubt, provided with all material needs and comfort. But they miss what they need most, their presents love and affection. The healing touch of love is dear to them, but they do not get the same. So, drugs draw them easily. The situation is unfortunate. It affects peace in individual life and society. The remedy lies in better family understanding and relationship.

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Nobel Lecture Long Questions-Answers

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Nobel Lecture Long Questions-Answers

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