letter-to-uncle thanking-him-for birthday gift

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letter-to-uncle thanking-him-for birthday gift

Write a letter to uncle thanking him for birthday gift.

Vill+P.O- Khargram
P.S- Khargram
Dist- Murshidabad

Dear Uncle,
Hope this letter finds you in the best of your health and happiness. I have no words to thank you for the wrist watch, you have sent me on my birthday. When I received your parcel I got delighted.
On my birthday party, although I have got a number of gifts, but yours is a touching gift. I shall keep it with care. It will make me regular and punctual. It will remind me of your love for me. I thank you once again.
Convey my regards to aunt.

Yours Loving Nephew,

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Ashutosh Roy
Vill+P.O- Krishnagar
Dist.- Nadia
PIN- 722222

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Keywords: Letter to Father Requesting him to send money for buying books| Write a letter to uncle thanking him for birthday gift. in about 100 words

letter-to-uncle thanking-him-for birthday gift

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Write a letter to uncle thanking him for birthday gift.

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