Letter-Advising Brother-to Exercise Daily

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Letter-Advising Brother-to Exercise Daily

Write a letter to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise.

Vill+P.O- Krishnagar
Dist.- Nadia
PIN- 722222

Dear brother,

I am happy to learn that you are going on well with your studies. But in the letter there is no mention of your physical activities.
You know that health is wealth. A sound mind lives in a sound body. A boy of ill health can not reach his goal. So it needs no telling the importance of sound health to you. In order to maintain sound mind, you are to keep your body fit at first and it is physical exercise which enables a student to maintain a good physique. If you fail to keep your body sound, you will lose all zest of life and then life would be dull and meaningless to you.
So I want to you to add physical exercise in your daily routine. No more today. Convey my regards to our parents.

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Your lovingly

Rohit Dutta
C/O- Nitin Dutta
A.J.C. Bose Road
Kolkata- 700020

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Keywords: Letter to friend describing an educational tour | Write a letter to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise.

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Letter-Advising Brother-to Exercise Daily

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Write a letter to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise.

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