How to Prepare ORS

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How to Prepare ORS

Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph on how to prepare ORS within 100 words.

Points: Wash your hands —- pour one litre boiled cold water in a medium sized pot —- add 2 tablespoon sugar —- one-forth tablespoon common salt —- stir well —- ready for consumption.

Preparation of ORS

Oral Rehydration Therapy is potentially the most important medical advance of the century.
ORS, a mixture useful for rehydration or maintaining balance of water in the body can be easily and promptly prepared at home. At first, hands, pots, spoons and glasses are needed to wash. Then, one litre water is boiled in a pot. After cooling the water, two tablespoonfuls of sugar are added with one-forth tablespoonful of common salt. Finally, the mixture is stirred well and is ready to drink.

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Keywords: Processing Writing of ORS | ORS preparation | How ORS is Prepared | Important Processing Writing for Madhyamik | How to write Processing easily | Processing writing in about 100 words | How ORS is Prepared | Class 10 English processing writing Processing Writing How to Prepare ORS

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How to Prepare ORS

ORS full form Oral Rehydration Solution

How ORS is Prepared Processing Writing

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