How School-Magazine is published
Write in about 100 words how a school magazine is published.
Hints: A notice put up —- manuscripts collected —- various topics like science, sports, literature, fictional writings sorted —- edited with additions, alternations, omissions —- a rough draft made —- sent for printing —- proof corrections —- sent for final printing —- proof printed —- distributions.
Publication of School Magazine
Every year a school magazine is published in every school. Through the school magazine students and teachers can express their feelings and talents. The school magazine is published through the following steps.
At first a notice is put up on the notice board. Then, manuscripts on various topics like science, sports, literature, fiction etc are collected from teachers and students. Next writings are sorted by Magazine Committee. After that, sorted writings are sorted with additions, alternations, omissions etc. Thereafter, a rough draft is made. Next, It is sent for printing. Then, the proof is corrected. After that, corrected proof is sent for final printing. Thereafter, the magazine is printed. At last, magazines are distributed among the teachers and students.
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Keywords: Processing Writing School Magazine | Publication of school magazine | How to publish school magazine | Important Processing Writing for Madhyamik | How to write Processing easily | Processing writing in about 100 words | How school magazine is published | Class 10 English processing writing How School-Magazine is published
How School-Magazine is published
Publication of school magazine
School Magazine Processing Writing