D.El.Ed Lesson-Plan Class-3 English The-Grasshopper

D.El.Ed Lesson Plan Class-3 English Lesson-3

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D.El.Ed Lesson-Plan Class-3 English The-Grasshopper

তৃতীয় শ্রেণীর “Butterfuly” বিষয়ের “The Grasshopper and The Ants” পাঠের একটি Lesson Plan শেয়ার করা হলো। আশাকরি এটা D. El. Ed কোর্সে প্রশিক্ষণরত সমস্ত ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য সহায়ক হবে।

D. El. Ed Lesson Plan (English)
Class III
The Grasshopper and The Ants

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Name of the School:
Name of the Student-Teacher:
Roll No:
Class: III
Number of Students in the Class:
Number of Students on the Roll:
Time: 40 min

Subject: English (SL)
Lesson: 3 (The Grasshopper and the Ants)
Unit: I
Today’s Lesson: Let’s Read


● Broad Objective(s):
(i) Improving reading skill.
(ii) Growing interest on literature.
(iii) Growing knowledge of language.
● Specific Objective(s):
(i) Able to understand the central idea of the story.
(ii) Able to learn the meaning of communication and conversation.
(iii) They will be able to merge their reading skill with the other skills.

● General Aids: Chalk, Duster, Pointer, Black Board etc.
● Specific Aids: Cut outs of a grasshopper and an ant, Picture chart.


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Preparation Stage

Input Teacher’s Activity Rationale Student’s Behaviour Rationale Time Expected Confusions/Ans.
● The Grasshopper and the Ants
● LTM(s) picture chart, cut outs of grasshopper, ants.
● The Teacher divides the class into five groups and declare today’s lesson.
● Teacher shows the LTM(s) in front of the students.
● Teacher supervises and plays the role of a facilitator.
● Motivation


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● An introduction of the subject matter.

● Building self-confidence among the learners.

● Using language item and group response.



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● Interact with LTM(s) and start peer interaction.

● They involve themselves through group discussion


● Greet their teacher with respect.
● Identify the similarities between LTM(s) and text material.
● Learners interact with the LTM(s), subject matter with their acquired knowledge.
● 1 min



● 4 min


● Idea of ‘Group’
● Idea of using TLM
● Learn ability to supervise the class.

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Presentation Stage

Input Teacher’s Activity Rationale Student’s Behaviour Rationale Time Expected Confusion/Ans
● The Grassshopper and the Ants
● One summer’s day…. They turned their backs on the grasshopper and went on with their work.
● Teacher asks the groups to read property.
● Teacher supervises and instructs them for passing the the text book group wisely.
● Teacher being a facilitator answering all these questions.
● Recognise the graphic representation of the language.
● Scaffolding the learners.
● Developing the skill of enquire.
● They try to read the story properly.
● Interaction with text material.
● Learners ask some questions.
● Understanding the meaning of the unknown words.
● Identifying useful information given in text.
● 10 min
● 10 min
● Learn to act in group wise.
● Developing the skill of enquire and enrich their capability of stock of words.
1. What is the meaning of ‘Digust’?
2. What is the meaning of ‘blanket’, ‘plump’, hopping?

D.El.Ed Lesson-Plan Class-3 English The-Grasshopper

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Post Presentation Stage

Input Teacher’s Activity Rationale Students’ Behaviour Rationale Time Expected Confusion?Ans
● Textual material
● Work sheet
● Teacher asks some questions-
1. What is the grasshopper doing?
2. Who said, “Why are you working so hard?”
3. Who said, “We are helping to store… do the same?”
● Teacher distributes work sheets among the learners.
● Developing all skills among the learners.
● Assessing the constructive knowledge of the learners.
● Interacting with each group and answering the questions-
● Complete the work sheet with group discussion.
● Finding the gist of the material.
● Constructing knowledge by co-relating text book.
● 7 min
● 8 min
● They have their idea of Text.
1. Grasshopper was hopping in a field.
2. Grasshopper said.
3. Ans said.

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Work Sheet

Let’s underline the correct answer:
1. The grasshopper was hopping about in a- summer’s/ winter’s / autumn day.
2. The ants carried fruits / corn / leaves.
3. In winter the weather turned hot/ cold / wet.
4. Snow is white / green / brown.
5. The grasshopper spent the summer playing music / begging / working.

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D.El.Ed Lesson-Plan Class-3 English The Grasshopper and The Ants


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D.El.Ed Lesson-Plan Class-3 English The-Grasshopper

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