Class-8 English The-Sea Bengali-Meaning

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Class-8 English The-Sea Bengali-Meaning

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মধ্য শিক্ষা পর্ষদের অষ্টম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজী বই এর ‘The Sea‘ অধ্যায়ের প্রতিটি লাইনের বাংলা অর্থ ও প্রদত্ত প্রশ্নগুলির উত্তর এখানে আলোচনা করা হলো। আশাকরি তোমরা উপকৃত হবে।

Class 8 English The Sea Bengali Translation

Class 8 English
Lesson 6: The Sea (James Reeves)

The sea is a hungry dog, Giant and grey.
সমুদ্র হয় এক ক্ষুধার্ত্ কুকুর, দৈত্যাকার ও ধূসর

He rolls on the beach all day.
সে গড়িয়েচলে সমুদ্রতটে সারা দিন

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With his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws
তার খোঁচা খোঁচা দাঁত এবং অমসৃন চোয়াল নিয়ে

Hour upon hour he gnaws
ঘন্টার পর ঘন্টা সে চিবাতে থাকে

The rumbling, tumbling stones,
গুড়গুড় করা গড়িয়েচলা পাথরগুলি,

And ‘Bones, bones, bones!’
এবং ‘হাড়, হাড়, হাড় !’

The giant sea-dog moans,
দৈত্যাকার সমুদ্র কুকুর গোঙায়,

Licking his greasy paws.
তার চর্বিযুক্ত থাবাগুলি চাটতে থাকে।

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And when the night wind roars
এবং যখন রাতের বাতাস গর্জন করে

And the moon rocks in the stormy cloud,
এবং চাঁদ ঝোড়ো মেঘে আন্দোলিত হয়,

He bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs,
সে লাফায় তার পা এর উপর ভর দিয়ে এবং প্রশ্বাস নেয় এবং ঘ্রাণ নিতে থাকে,

Shaking his wet sides over the cliffs,
ঝাড়াদেয় তার ভিজে গা ওপর পাহাড়ের খাঁজে,

And howls and hollos long and loud.
এবং দীর্ঘ সময় ধরে গর্জন করে এবং জোরে চিত্‍কার করে।

But on quiet days in May or June,
কিন্তু মে বা জুন মাসের শান্ত দিনগুলিতে

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When even the grasses on the dune
এমনকি যখন ঘাসগুলি বালিয়াড়ির উপর

Play no more their reedy tune,
তাদের ঘেসো সুর আর বাজায় না,

With his head between his paws
মাথাটি তার থাবার মধ্যে নিয়ে

He lies on the sandy shores,
সে শুয়েথাকে ওপর বালুকাময় তীরে,

So quiet, so quiet, he scarcely snores.
এত নিরিবিলি, এত শান্ত, সে খুব কমই নাক ডাকে।

Activity 1
Tick the correct alternative:

(i) The sea is compared to a
(a) lazy cat
(b) active man
(c) hungry dog

Ans: (c) hungry dog

(ii) The sea rolls on the beach
(a) all day
(b) all evening
(c) only at night.

Ans: (a) all day

(iii) The sea, seen as a dog, has
(a) greasy paws
(b) sharp paws
(c) small paws.

Ans: (a) greasy paws

(iv) The sea remains quiet in the
(a) beginning of the year
(b) middle of the year
(c) end of the year.

Ans: (b) middle of the year

Activity 2

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) The sea rolls on the beach with his clashing teeth and shaggy jaws.

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(b) At night when the wind roars, the sea bounds to his feet and snuffs and sniffs.

(c) In May or June even the grasses on the dune do not play more their reedy tune.

(d) On quiet days the sea, like a dog, lies on the sandy shores with his head between his paws.

Activity 3

Answer the following question :

Why does the sea become quiet at a certain time of the year?

Ans: Due to the lack of hard blowing wind and storms the sea becomes quiet at a certain time of the year.

Activity 4

Fill in the following chart with information from the text :

ActionDone by whom
(i) licks his greasy pawsthe sea
(ii) roarsthe night wind
(iii) rocks in the stormy cloudthe moon
(iv) stop their tunethe grasses on the dune
Activity 5
Answer the following questions:

(a) What does the sea look like?
Ans: The sea looks like a hungry dog.

(b) Who rocks in the stormy cloud?
Ans: The moon rocks in the stormy cloud.

(c) Where does the sea shake at his wet sides like a dog?
Ans: The sea shakes the wet sides over the cliff like a dog.

(d) How do the grasses on the the dune behave in May or June?
Ans: The grasses in the dune do not play their reedy tune in May and June.

Activity 6 (a)

Underline the infinitives in the following sentences:

(i) To lie is a sin.

(ii) I am sorry to disturb you again.

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(iii) He wanted to retire from service.

(iv) To err is human.

Activity 6 (b)

Read the following sentences. Identify noun phrases, Adjective phrases, and adverb phrases and fill in the chart given below.

Noun PhraseAdjective PhraseAdverb Phrase
(i) Food and shelter
(ii)Her voice
(iii) a jewel of a boy.
(iv)at home.
Activity 6 (c)

Read the following sentences. Identify the Main or Principal clause and the dependent clause and fill in the chart given below.

Main ClauseDependent Clause
(i) I know a man.who is a doctor.
(ii) Tell mewho opened the door.
(iii) She is the girlwho always takes care of her friends.
(iv) We shall stay at homeif it rains.
Activity 7

Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

(a) giant – The Giant’s garden was beautiful, and children loved to play in it.

(b) moans – Baby moans while eating.

(c) dune – They climbed the dune and kneeled close to the top.

(d) quiet – He’s a very quiet person.

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