Birthday Invitation Letter to Friend

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Write a letter to your friend inviting him on your birthday.

Vill+P.O- Khargram
P.S- Khargram
Dist- Murshidabad

Dear Rahul,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My birthday is coming up, and I’m really excited about celebrating with the people who make me happy, including you.
I am writing to extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join me in celebrating my birthday on 15th December, 2023 at our residence. The day promises to be filled with laughter, good company, and of course, delicious treats. I’ve planned some exciting activities and surprises for the day, and I truly hope you can be a part of it. Your company is what will make this day truly memorable for me.
Looking forward to celebrating this special day with you!

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Your lovingly

Rahul Roy
Vill+P.O- Krishnagar
Dist.- Nadia
PIN- 722222

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letter to friend for birthday invitation

Write a letter to your friend inviting him on your birthday.

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