All-Things-Bright-and Beautiful question answer

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All-Things-Bright-and Beautiful question answer | Odisha Board Class 10 English First Chapter

All Things Bright and Beautiful
C.F Alexander
Questions and Answers

Let’s read & understand:

Q1. What does the poet think of all things?
Ans: The poet thinks that all things are bright and beautiful.

Q2. Who has made all the these things?
Ans: God has made all these things.

Q3. What are the little things mentioned in the poem?
Ans: Birds and flowers are the little things mentioned in the poem.

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Q4. How does the poet describe the beauty of flowers?
Ans: The poet describes that the flowers have glowing colours.

Q5. How does the poet describe the little birds?
Ans: The poet describe that God gave the tiny wings to the little birds. The sweet chirping of the birds is also the gift of God.

Q6. How is the mountain described in the poem?
Ans: The mountain-top is purple-headed.

Q7. Why does it appear so?
Ans: It appears so, because the rays of the setting sun fall on it.

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Q8. What brightens up the sky?
Ans: The morning brightens up the sky.

Q9. How does the sky look at the sunset?
Ans: The sky looks red at the sunset.

Q10. Which are the two seasons mentioned in the poem?
Ans: The two seasons mentioned in the poem are winter and summer.

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Q11. Why does the poet consider the summer sun pleasant?
Ans: In Western Countries, the summer season has a mild temperature without extremes of heat or cold. So the poet considers it pleasant.

Q12. What do we enjoy in the green wood?
Ans: We enjoy the beautiful scenery of tall trees in the green wood.

Q13. How are the meadows useful to us?
Ans: We play games in a meadow. Thus it is useful for us.

Q14. Where do the rushes grow?
Ans: The rushes grow near water.

Q15. Why do people gather rushes?
Ans: People gather the rushes to dry them up and make mats out of them.

Q16. Why has God given us eyes?
Ans: God has given us eyes to see and enjoy the beauty of his creation.

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Q17. What should our lips tell?
Ans: Our lips should tell the greatness of God.

Q18. How does the poet describe God?
Ans: The poet describes God as Almighty. He is the maker of heaven and earth.

G. Let’s appreciate:

The poet describes many things in the poem. Make a list of the things described in the poem.

Ans: The things described in the poem are little flowers, little birds, the purple-headed mountain, the running river, the sunset, the bright morning, the cold winter, the pleasant summer sun, ripe fruit in the garden, tall trees in the green wood, the meadows, the rushes.

Q1. Which of the things are bright and which of the things are small?

Ans: The colour of the flowers, the purple-headed mountain and morning are bright things. The flowers and birds are small things.

Q2. Which are the lines in the poem where the poet expresses her gratitude to God?

Ans: In the first two lines of the last stanza, the poet expresses her gratitude to God.
“He gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell,”

Q3. Is this poem a description or a prayer?
Ans: This poem is a description.

Q4. Why do you think so?

Ans: In a prayer the poet prays to God and it seems as if the poet is directly speaking to God. But in a descriptive poem the poet only describes the glory of God. In the present poem the poet describes the greatness of God. So it is a description.

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Each stanza of the poem is a unit. Mark the stanzas and the last word in each line. You will see that the last word of one line is similar in sound to the last word of another line. These are rhyming words.

Beautiful- wonderful
Small- all
Sings- wings
By- sky
Sun- everyone
Play- day
Tell- well

(a) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words given in brackets and read the lines.
  1. God has given it wings
  2. So it can fly,
  3. And it beautifully sings
  4. While going up in the sky. (b)
  5. The meadows look green
  6. Where we run and play
  7. And the river is clean
  8. Where we bathe every day.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
  1. He gave us ears to listen.
  2. He gave us eyes to see.
  3. He gave us tongue to taste things.
  4. He gave us skin to touch things.
  5. He gave us nose to smell.
  6. We enjoy God’s creation through the five sensory organs mentioned above.
Given below are some clues. Pick up the lines of the poem following the clues.
  1. Flower- Each little flower that opens,
  2. Color- He made their glowing colours,
  3. Bird- Each little bird that sings,
  4. Wings- He made their tiny wings.

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All Things Bright and Beautiful | All-Things-Bright-and Beautiful question answer

Odisha Board Class 10 English | Odisha Board Class 10 All Things Bright and Beautiful Textbook Solution | Odisha Board Class 10 English All Things Bright and Beautiful Question Answer

Odisha Board Class 10 English First Chapter All Things Bright and Beautiful Question Answer

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