Letter to Chairman of Municipality about poor condition of street lights

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Write a letter to the Chairman of the Municipality complaining about poor condition of street lights in your area.

The Chairman
ABC Municipality
Berhampore, Murshidabad

Sub: Poor Condition of Street Lights in our area.

Respected Sir,

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With due respect I, Manoj Dey, a resident of ABC Municipality, write to express my deep concern about the deteriorating condition of street lights in our locality. Numerous lights are out, plunging our streets into darkness, jeopardizing safety, and fostering criminal activities.
I urgently request a comprehensive solution: immediate maintenance, LED upgrades for efficiency, regular inspections, community awareness initiatives, and increased police patrols. Our community’s safety and quality of life depend on it.
Please address this issue promptly, and I look forward to hearing about the actions to be taken.

Thanking you,
Manoj Dey
Berhampore, Murshidabad

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Letter to Chairman of Municipality about poor condition of street lights

Letter to chairman about poor condition of street lights.

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