How Newspaper is Published

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How Newspaper is Published

Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph (within 100 words) on how newspapers are published.

Points: Press reporters collect news —- press photographers take pictures —- news sorted and edited —- types set in machines —- paper rolls inserted —- news printed —- folded and cut newspaper ready for distribution.

How Newspaper is Published

After the popularization of print media in late 18th Century, Newspapers become a regular thing. Before publication a newspaper passes through the following steps.
At first press reporters collect news and the photographer take pictures. Then collected news and photographs are sorted and edited. After that typist type those news on computer. Next types are set in machines. Then blank paper rolls are inserted into the machines. Then printed news are folded and cut into required sizes. Finally they are ready to deliver to the door steps of individuals in early morning.

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Keywords: Processing Writing of Newspaper Publication | Newspaper Publication | How Newspapers are Published | Important Processing Writing for Madhyamik | How to write Processing easily | Processing writing in about 100 words | Processing Writing Newspaper | Class 10 English processing writing Processing Writing How to Publish Newspaper

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How Newspaper is Published

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