Editorial-Letter thoughtless use-of loud-speakers.

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Editorial-Letter thoughtless use-of loud-speakers.

Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern over the disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loud-speakers.

The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata- 700001

Sub: Disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loud-speakers.
I shall be grateful to you if you give me a little space in your esteemed daily, I would like to express my concern over the disturbances caused by the thoughtless use of loud-speakers.
Nowadays use of loud-speakers has become a fashion. People use loud-speakers thoughtlessly in any occasion. They do not maintain the sound limit. The modern DJ sound system is harmful and intolerable. As a result, sound is polluted. Common people cannot sleep peacefully at night. The heart patients suffer much. Students cannot concentrate on their studies. We feel headache and earache. So it is a great problem.
I, therefore, under the circumstances, would like to request the Government to take effective steps to stop this problem. It is also high time to create public awareness through your editorial column.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Sima Roy

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Editorial-Letter thoughtless use-of loud-speakers.

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